Business,  en,  Software & scripting

Innotec checkin-punch-card

For our internal statistics i gathered the Innotec checkin-punch-card for our repositories.


  • x-axis reflects the hours per day (a = am / p = pm)
  • y-axis reflects the work-days
  • color reflects the repository
  • size the amount of checkins for this repository at this time

The colors are overlaid, so that black means, that at this time more different repos were checked-in than on dates, when only a single color is present.
Well… Between 2am and 4am it looks like we’re quite lazy.

You see, we try to keep our working hours flexible and offer the same flexibility related to the needs of the team members. And it works well.

And – no, the three employees working on those repos, are all based here in germany.
So no overseas offices apply here.